TCS students participated in a MUN (Model United Nations) conference as they do every year. 

Here are some of the experiences shared by our student delegates :

“Shaky hands and quivering voice accompanied me on the morning of the MUN. Thankfully, the opening ceremony was delayed and long enough for me to settle down and gather my thoughts. The walk to the library (where the UNSC was being held) was one of trepidation. As soon as the Council began though, all anxiety gave way to the familiar confidence (even though this was my second MUN). Our council agenda was “Present Situation in the MiddleEast and not only did we have an attentive Executive Board, but they were also friendly and encouraging paving opportunity for neutral nations like ours (Oman) to speak. These two days were spent not only learning good debating skills and acquiring deeper knowledge of current world affairs but also learning how to be a good diplomat while keeping goodwill in tow.” Adira Das Roy

“Going to the MUN was really fun and educational. We were able to meet new people, observe and participate in different kinds of debates and discuss current world problems and their solutions which gave us new perspectives of the world outside the classroom.” Tvisha Chatterjea

“Representing The Cambridge School, Calcutta as the Head Delegate for the United Nations Security Council was a great experience with immense learning opportunities. I had to oversee each and every details in the events panned out over 2 days, right from the registration till the end when certificates were distributed. While representing Oman along with my co-delegate, Adira, I spoke about the yemen civil war, syrian civil war and the on-going economic crisis in Oman. During the debate, I learnt to put my thoughts together before debating and realized that I had to be a patient listener as well as be spontaneous to sharpen my thoughts to oppose the opponents in the discussions. I also understood that I had to be in control of the situation as a leader and think rationally and objectively to deliver any given task.” Ayaan Bhattacharyya.

“It was a unique experience. There were frequent moderated discussions and crisis updates that kept it interesting until the last minute. We got a good idea of international relations and of how UN committees worked to solve crises.” Anuran Kar Gupta.

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