The trip, on August 7th, 2017, Monday afternoon, commenced with Ms.Basu and Mrs.Basu leading a troop of eighteen AS and A2 Physics students into the metro station.The ten minute ride wasn’t the most luxurious- rush-hour in Kolkata spares none! On reaching the American Center, we found our seats in the Lincoln Conference room, after a thick layer of security checks.
The speaker, Prof. Sandip Ghosal, a Fellow of the American Physical Society, began by greeting the audience and thanking the active organizers. Buttery pop-corn and refreshing orange soda was provided as snacks- this was secretly well appreciated by everyone in the room. Dr. Ghosal then spoke for the next ninety minutes on “Incredible Flying Machines: A Retrospective”, his enthusiasm for the topic well apparent from his tone.
The presentation was laced with demonstrations of a simple engine and a paper airplane; the audience enjoyed these. Interspersed with explanations, the talk went on from the flight of Icarus to right up to the modern times, projecting into the future. Particularly impressive were the concepts of the flying car, the bee spy robot and the robotic flying orchestra. The seminar ended with a warm smile and a gracious goodbye from Dr.Ghosal. A day well spent indeed!