Secondary School Admissions in Kolkata: What are the boards offering Secondary Education In India and Kolkata?

In India with passage of time, the education system has seen multiple changes. A student today has a wide range of education choices to choose from. There are a number of Educational boards offering Secondary education in India. The important ones are:

Secondary School Admissions in Kolkata

Secondary School Admissions in Kolkata: Every child is unique and is born with own sets of talent. However, to develop the child’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills it is the school that helps them achieve this goal.

The Education system in India is basically divided into:

Secondary School Admissions in Kolkata: When does the Admission for different boards take Place?

For a student, after completion of academic year of Class X, they are supposed to appear for Board exams which is conducted by respective boards instead of regular exams conducted by schools. However, no admission happens in Class X. In order to be eligible for Secondary exams conducted by respective boards, a student needs to enroll for two years of Secondary school curriculum which starts from Class IX.

Secondary School Admissions in Kolkata: Which Educational Board is Best for Students?

Every educational board has their own sets of rules and subjects that is offered to students.

IGCSE is one educational board that focuses on knowledge rather than marks. It highly favors students who are looking to pursue their higher education abroad. From Science, Commerce, languages and Humanities, IGCSE offers students wide range subjects as per their choice.

CISCE provides an inclusive set of education for the students. With English language as medium of education, it focuses on strengthening language skills of student.

CBSE emphasizes on skill-based education. It is highly inclusive offering student education in both English as well as local/state language.

State boards usually have the one subject on language of the state made compulsory for the students.

Secondary School Admissions in Kolkata: Admission Procedure

Admission to IGCSE Class IX

For admission to IGCSE Class IX, schools have their own set of rules. In India there are over 400 schools offering Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. Most of the schools follows these rules for admission:

  1. Students seeking admission will have to appear for an Aptitude Test in English, Mathematics and Second Language to qualify for admission.
  2. Students are also required to undergo personal interview with the respective Coordinators of the Class.
  3. Admission is confirmed only after assessing the performance of the child in the Aptitude Test and in a Personal Interview.

Documents required for Admission:

  1. Certified copy of Child’s Birth Certificate.
  2. Certified copy each of details including dates and grades of any Public/Board Examinations already taken (if applicable).
  3. Copy of the Transfer Certificate

Every state has its own list of Best Schools offering Cambridge IGCSE education. In Kolkata currently one of the best schools offering IGCSE education in The Cambridge School Calcutta. You can apply online

Admission to CBSE Class IX: Admission to Class IX of a CBSE recognized school are open only to a student who has passed class VIII examination from an institution affiliated to CBSE or to any recognized Board or is recognized by the Education Department of the Government of the State/UT where the institution is located.

A student seeking admission must produce:

(a) The School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate signed by the Head of the Institution last attended and countersigned

(b) Document(s) in support of his/her having passed the qualifying or equivalent qualifying examination; and

*(c) Date of Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Birth and Deaths, where-ever existing, as proof of date of birth.

For fees, every school has their own set of pre-determined fees for student’s admission. Both private and government schools are registered under CBSE therefore there is a huge gap of fees between a private and government schools.

Several websites have listed the Best CBSE schools India, for better information about the best CBSE schools in Kolkata, you can follow this link.

Admission to CISCE Class IX: Admission to CISCE Class IX is open to students who have completed their Class VIII schooling from any school recognized by CISCE or any other recognized board. Students seeking admission in Class IX are required to furnish:

  1. Transfer Certificate signed by the Head of the Institution last attended.
  2. Character certificate issued by the school/institution last attended.
  3. Eight class marksheet from the previous school.
  4. Date of Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Birth and Deaths, where-ever existing, as proof of date of birth

In order to have a better understanding about the ICSE schools which have been rated the best in terms of offering secondary education you can follow this link.

Secondary School Admissions in Kolkata: Importance of Secondary Education

For a student entering the age of 14, secondary education plays a vital role in developing the analytical skills, curiosity for their surroundings and helps children learn about history.

It also helps in creating individuals with skills and knowledge to contribute to economic and social growth of society.

Increasing the availability of Secondary education for a girl child helps in promoting gender equality and empowering girls.

Secondary education acts as a foundation for a potential future. During this period of education, kids start exploring their career options.

During this period students are learn multiple life lessons. The curriculum strengthens a student ‘s knowledge regarding regular school subjects and it also helps students acquire life skills.

Apart from these, the Secondary education helps in increasing the confidence level in students. Skills that students learn during this time helps them develop personally and in turn it boosts their confidence for future endeavors.
Read: Evolution of School Education and the Emergence of International School as Top School in Kolkata and entire India

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