Attributes and qualities that make a school successful and ideal for learning

A good school opens up limitless opportunities for a student, gives exposure to newer kinds of learning experiences and boosts personal growth considerably. Often, while trying to identify the right school for their child, parents find themselves overwhelmed with the sheer number of reputed schools expanding in the metropolitan cities. So, what are the attributes […]

Primary differences between CBSE Board Schools and International Schools

While deciding on which board of education to choose for their child, parents often seem undecided and perplexed. Which is better, an international school or a state/national board school? The questions are never-ending. While many do have a sound idea about what an Indian board school is like, a good portion of the populace do […]

Why are teaching methodology and pedagogy in international schools different from other schools

International schools often adopt teaching methodologies and pedagogy that are different from those found in traditional schools. This is because international schools typically have a diverse student population, with students from a wide range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. To meet the needs of this diverse student population, international schools often adopt teaching methods and […]

Why should we be teaching Life Skills in Schools in 2023?

Today’s world is a world full of complexities and challenges. Owing to the rapid technological transformation and changes in global economy in the recent years, our education, workplace and personal lives are considerably impacted. To cope with this fast pacing world and its unprecedented changes, students need newer life skills to cope with all the […]

10 Simple Ways to Teach Children Time Management

Time management refers to the process of organizing and planning how to allocate time effectively and efficiently to meet specific goals and tasks. It involves prioritizing activities, setting deadlines and using tools and techniques to stay on track. Time management is important because it can have a significant impact on an individual’s success, productivity and […]

Why do young children who create art thrive?

Research indicates that a child who is exposed to the arts acquires a special ability to think creatively, be original, discover, innovate and create intellectual property- key attributes for individual and organizational success and social prosperity in the twenty-first century. Art is intrinsically linked to creativity and creativity is one attribute which is touted as […]

Attributes and qualities that make a school successful and ideal for learning

A good school opens up limitless opportunities for a student, gives exposure to newer kinds of learning experiences and boosts personal growth considerably. Often, while trying to identify the right school for their child, parents find themselves overwhelmed with the sheer number of reputed schools expanding in the metropolitan cities. So, what are the attributes […]

Why is your child hyperactive?

It is absolutely normal for children of all ages to have lots of energy. Right from a young age, children display a range of traits. While being naturally active, some children manage to sit still and enjoy colouring or playing with blocks for half the day. But there are kids who cannot sit still for […]

The Attachment Theory: How Childhood affects life

Attachment can be defined as a deep emotional bond between two people in which each seeks closeness and security when in presence of the attachment figure. Speaking of parent-child relationships, attachment behaviour in parents toward the child includes responding sensitively and accurately to the child’s needs and attachment behaviour in children is characterized by their […]


Choosing the right international school in Kolkata is a significant decision that can shape your child’s educational journey, overall development and future opportunities. It is crucial to find a school that recognizes and supports your child’s unique needs, fosters their growth, and provides a positive and enriching learning environment. Let us look at the benefits that good […]