“Our approach to academic work is based on the encouragement of independent thinking and intellectual curiosity. The Cambridge School believes that learning should not only be a means to short-term examination success but become a habit that is inculcated for life.”
The Cambridge School Winter fest, held on November 29, 2019 was indeed a reflection of this message delivered by the Principal, Mrs Sunita Chowdhary, in her address to the audience. She went on to say that through diverse opportunities The Cambridge School aims to encourage and enable pupils to become caring, thoughtful, and confident members of society. Parents have commented that their children’s confidence has grown after they were enrolled at TCS. She reminded the audience of the wide, varied and challenging curriculum offered by TCS which encourage and help students to achieve high grades in their chosen subjects.
Welcoming the chief guest for the evening, Dr Sudha Kaul, an eminent social worker, educationist and 2010 Padmasree awardee, Mrs Chowdhary said the school was fortunate to have such an illustrious dignitary gracing the occasion. Dr. Kaul is the vice chairperson of the Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy, the founder Principal of the Centre for Special Education and has chaired a government committee formulated to draft new laws for the differently abled citizens of India.
In her speech, Dr Kaul appreciated the awareness and commitment shown by the school towards children with special needs. She invited teachers and students to visit her organization to generate awareness about inclusion and inclusive schools.
Huge accolades, indeed, from such a renowned person!
Dr Kaul then gave away prizes to the meritorious students of the school. As the prizes were given by the Chief Guest, the principal thanked parents, guardians and well-wishers for their generosity in sponsoring the cash prizes and also announced the Cambridge scholarships in Science, Business and Humanities departments, as well as the Young Achiever category.
The School choir then rendered a beautiful version of the school song sung with pride and gusto for their beloved school.
April 25, 2019, marked the 300th anniversary of the publication of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe .TCS celebrated this great work of literature with its own adaptation of the novel through drama, dance and music presented by about 130 students from Classes Nursery to 8. It is also worth mentioning that lights, music and other technical aspects of this amazing musical were also handled by the students with equal elan.
Students practised rigorously for over four weeks to present ‘Robinson Crusoe’ and enjoyed themselves immensely learning to act and dance. This was clearly evident when the young ones dressed as pigeons, goats and other interesting characters danced away to music and the audience burst out in spontaneous applause.
Agatha Christie’s critically acclaimed murder mystery ‘The Mousetrap’ is the longest-running West End show in history, running continuously for over 60 years. Students of Class 9 and 10 enacted this play in which the mystery revolves around a group of strangers stranded in a boarding house during a snow storm, one of whom is a murderer.
The play came alive with a realistic depiction of Monkswell Manor during wintertime “in the present day” and convincing acting by the students.
Truly, a commendable effort!
Finally, the A2 students, excited but sad to be graduating and leaving their beloved school, presented a farewell song to express their feelings — a fitting finale that touched our hearts, bringing back all fond memories.
The entire TCS Community – students, parents, teachers, administrators and well-wishers – worked together with unwavering commitment and unflagging zeal to present this wonderful event.